Presearch For Dummies: Everything You Need To Know

    One of the most important aspects of crypto world is decentralization - a process of taking the power away from a central authority (it being banks, goverment or other) and giving it to thousands of "nodes", making the system regulate itself, without third-party. PRESEARCH is a decentralized search engine, meaning that it takes power from shareholders and gives it back to the people. Anyone, who has a laptop, internet connection, and Docker (software platfrom that operates in containers) can set-up a node and become part of Presearch community!

How to set-up a node?

    1. First of all, you need to sign-up for running the node on Beta testnet, to do this, follow this link:, and answer two simple questions. Then you'll need to wait around a day to be approved (you can check the updates in Preserch telegram group:

    2. Once you've been approved, you'll need to instal Docker, you can do this, following this link:

This app is currenty available for Mac, Windows and Linux. It's quite easy to install, but if you'll have any problem, you can just go to their documentations page:

    2. After you've installed Docker (feeling like a true software-engineer), you have to register your node, to get a registration code go to:

    3. Run the node.

That's it, now you are a part of awesome, decentralized search community!

How to EARN by running the node?

If you've done all the steps above, you can earn PRE tokens(working on Ethereum blockchain) for providing the processing power to the Preseacrh Engine. If you stake a minimum of 1000 PRE tokens on your node, you'll be paid in PRE tokens, more about Presearch rewards can be found here:

How to EARN just by using the Presearch?

If you don't have the possibility to provide a node, or simply don't want to do that, there is another way of earning in Presearch - just by using it to search, you'll get paid in small amount of PRE tokens. That's it, no other work needed, just surf the web, looking for some weird stuff as you usually do, and get paid, isn't it sweet?

Other benefits of Preseacrh for the End-User

> Privacy

Tired of your personal data being sold to lizard-people? Fear not, as Presearch protects your privacy. Your personal data is protected, as the system does not track you or store your searches. All the queries are handled by a decentralized network of nodes processing anonymized queries.

> Better search results and active personalization

As the system doesn't track your searches, you are in control of your seacrh experience, what a time to be alive.

Presearch Rode-Map for 2021