Presearch - why I made the switch, and you should too.

As a long-term user of the BRAVE browser, I've become well-versed with the idea of earning cryptocurrency for your browsing. Furthermore, the recent explosion in the price of $BAT has had me double-down on the belief that crypto is set to rock the advertising world at its core. However, the key that has me so genuinely excited about PRESEARCH is its staking component. Users can stake their PRE tokens to a specific phrase or word, and whoever stakes the most tokens gains the ability to display their advert whenever that term is searched. This is a new and innovative form of competition; as adoption of PRE becomes greater, it is easy to see the fierce staking-wars between different users over the most fruitful and lucrative search terms.

As the Presearch medium article has set out, keyword advertising is one of the most profitable options for advertisers - generating around $100b annually for Google. The problem that Presearch solves is that of transparency; supposedly the highest bidder wins advertising space on traditional search engines, but this is not always necessarily the case. Staking has not only changed the game, it has tipped it on its head and dropkicked it to the moon. The continued growth of the platform, which currently boasts 2m users and over 800k daily searches, will allow the token to grow. The price of one PRE token reached as high as $0.81 in January 2018 and currently sits at around $0.10. The volume being traded has continued to grow, and the low market cap of just $42m with a supply of 396m/500m tokens signals that there is plenty of room for the value of the tokens to skyrocket. 

I personally am going to be purchasing PRE tokens over the following days, and start to use the search engine as my go-to for my significant browsing needs.