Polygon Joins the Polkastarter Council

Polygon’s ongoing market success astonished the market as it grew over 40% soon after the crypto recovery. Even Mark Cuban invested in the protocol, and now Polygon is joining the Polkastarter council as well.

Polygon is ranked 15th in the market for now, but many experts believe Polygon to breach the top 5 ranks. The Polkastarter Council is pivotal in the Polkastarter ecosystem, containing projects, individuals, and companies. The Council acts as an arbiter to select the Polkastarter IDOs. The Council expressed delight stating that talented names like Polygon are always welcome.

Polygon is known as the protocol redefining Ethereum’s internet of blockchain networks. It aims to create a multi-chain ecosystem with ETH’s compatibility, performance, and scalability while also reducing its transaction costs.

Users can also deploy custom blockchains on the Polygon network, making it a potent player in the market. The blockchain networks built on Polygon use the PoS commit chain, facilitating quick transaction speeds with Ethereum mainnet’s security.

Both Polkastarter and Polygon focus on using a multi-chain approach to enhance the blockchain ecosystem. Aspects like user experience, performance, adoption, scalability harbor optimal growth by working together and not individually.

That is why both Polkastarter and Polygon’s multi-chain approach make them interoperable and future-proof. With Polygon garnering quick success on the crypto grounds, Polkastarter will benefit from the partnership as well. 

Sandeep Nailwal (Polygon’s Co-Founder) stated that they are proud to join the council with numerous esteemed participants. He added that Polygon has kept an eye on Polkastarter’s recent growth. The team is impressed with the Polkastarter community’s strength and professionalism. The partnership will open windows to assist emerging projects to create core Web3 ecosystem components.

Daniel Stockhaus (Polkastarter’s CEO) commended Polygon on being a massive force in the field of scalability, multi-chain growth, and interoperability. He added that Polygon will be a great addition to the Council and will help future projects. It will add to their quality and help them raise funds, helping the entire protocol grow.

Polygon recently used EPNS (Ethereum Push Notification Service) to offer Web3 notifications to users. Another feat for Polygon appeared in the form of Dfyn’s launch. The multi-chain DEX helped Polygon maintain its constant market supremacy. The NFT sector also interacted with the Polygon network with Ethermon. The NFT app can be used to battle, trade, and catch monsters. Given such feats, Polygon’s recent growth spurge seems reasonable. The protocol is just getting started and is expected to maintain its pace for a long time.

Polygon again made it to the crypto headlines by joining the Polkastarter Council. Both Polkastarter and Polygon are major contributors in the multi-chain domain. Their partnership opens a plethora of opportunities for the market. Both projects’ CEOs expressed their delight regarding the partnership, stating how it will help everyone.