Polkadot Releases Rococo, Its Test Environment for Interoperable ‘Parachains’

Parity Technologies’ Polkadot has launched a testnet, Rococo, of the protocol’s first parachain specification, according to a blog Thursday. Parachains underlie Parity Tech’s vision of a “protocol for protocols.”

  • Rococo allows developers to “register” a Substrate-based blockchain as part of Polkadot’s grander parachain network.
  • Substrate is a blockchain building kit for other networks to interoperate as a Polkadot parachain.
  • Rococo is the first test of inter-blockchain communication through its Relay Chain logic.
  • Rococo launched as a Proof-of-Authority (PoA) network under the governance of Parity Technologies. The testnet will begin with three parachains, the firm said.