Polkadot in Education - Parity and UC Berkeley Collaboration on Blockchain Education

Parity technologies, the people behind the Polkadot's Parity signer app have decided to collaborate with the UC Berkeley for blockchain education. Parity has been pretty much active in the Polkadot's substrate ecosystem with their Signer app on Android and iOS. They have also released other solutions and advisory to onboard business in the Polkadot and Kusama network. 

You can check out more work of Parity technologies here

Parity team will now work with the students and the faculty of UC Berkeley to include the Polkadot, web3 technologies into the curriculum. 

Parity recently tweeted about their collaboration on Twitter. 


UC Berkeley has been actively involved in the blockchain space for some time now. There have been plenty of the UC Berkeley graduates who are already working in the blockchain space and startups. All thanks to the UC Berkeley's efforts of Blockchain into the syllabus and push through education. They have a working department named "Blockchain Xcelerator", designed for education and development in the blockchain and cryptocurrency curriculum. 

UC Berkeley along with the help of the Parity is going to educate the students and the entrepreneurs on development of the startups around Polkadot and web3 networks. 

What Polkadot Community can expect from this?

Let's come to the point on what's in it for community out of this. Considering Parity is into the substrate based applications and the deployment into Polkadot chain, you can expect their syllabus with the UC Berkeley would help students onboard into web3 networks. This also means that there will be more Polkadot based startups, apps and the projects that would also help bridge more smart contract across multiple blockchains that connect polkadot. 

Considering the Blockchain and Polkadot has been integrated into the educational syllabus like this in many places around the world. You can expect new generation of students to know more about the blockchain and they are likely to build the substrate based apps on Polkadot soon.

You can also expect the crypto being the part of the education as a norm from here onwards. 

This in turn means more growth for the Polkadot ecosystem.