Polkadot Founder Gavin Wood Declares $774 million Fund for DeFi

Polkadot has been getting a lot of funding and attention for various projects. Last year, BINANCE jumped in on the development of the smart contracts and the financial DeFi use case for the Polkadot. This year the growth continues with the Gavin Wood, the founder of Polkadot declaring there is a development fund worth $774 million (in DOT treasury) for the DeFi development. 

Recently Gavin Tweeted the development fund specific statement and gave assurance to the community and the developers on the growth of the Polkadot blockchain. 

What if the fund gets unused? The founder says if that happens then the fund will get burned as part of their monthly burn for the DOT. Which makes it a good opportunity either way as the value of the coin gets increased. 

This is a good news for the community that the fund of this size is being made for the DeFi and other decentralization efforts. Not sure what are some of the projects coming out next few months unless we see the Press release. But we can clearly see there is definitely growth going on while we are waiting for some of the Parachains getting sold this November. 

Polkadot continues to gain one more foot in the market adoption every month as it keeps growing in dApps and DeFi Space.