PlanetX Meta Launches New Token Pool for Dusk Staking with IOTAN

We are excited to announce that Planetx Meta has launched a new token pool for Dusk staking, where our users can stake their IOTAN and earn rewards. This new token pool provides an opportunity for our users to participate in the growth of the Dusk Network while earning passive income.

By staking IOTAN in the Dusk token pool, users can earn rewards based on their stake in the pool. The more IOTAN a user stakes, the more rewards they can earn. Rewards are distributed based on the pool's performance and the number of users participating in the pool.

We are excited to announce that we will soon begin filling the Dusk token pool, giving our users the opportunity to stake their IOTAN and earn rewards. We believe that this new token pool will provide a great opportunity for our users to earn passive income while participating in the growth of the Dusk Network.

To participate in the Dusk token pool, users will need to have IOTAN in their WAX wallet. If you do not have IOTAN yet, you can easily purchase them on Alcor Exchange. Once you have IOTAN in your wallet, you can go to the Dusk token pool page and stake your IOTAN.

We are excited to provide this new opportunity for our users and look forward to seeing the growth of the Dusk token pool. Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting new feature on PlanetX Meta.

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