Peppermint Shiba - New Meme Coin / Staking Coin - Auto Staking Payouts Via Metamask

Today i would like to introduce a new project that i recently invested in, called Peppermint Shiba.

Peppermint Shiba is a BINANCE smart chain token that offers automatic staking - all you need to do is hold the coins in your meta mask wallet and you will receive a share of the coins that get burned every day.

The proof of stake coins are the most energy efficient way to mine cryptocurrency and with the new features available on Binance smart chain we have a new generation of automatic proof of stake coins available to earn profits with.

Peppermint Shiba is just about to launch, the marketcap is virtually nothing and there is potential for huge gains on this project for early investors.

One key feature of Peppermint Shiba is 1% of all tokens burned are used to fund marketing - which is one of the most important aspects when creating a new cryptocurrency.

Many projects fail in marketing and rely on users and investors to promote the project, although peppermint Shiba has a number of powerful marketing campaigns coming up shortly which is sure to result in a large amount of new investors coming on board.

Disclaimer: I hold Peppermint doge and have a vested interest in seeing the project grow, please do your own research and never invest money you can't afford to lose.

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