PBULL Smart Contract Unit Test Report

At PowerBull, we pride ourselves on building unique in-house applications tailored for the comfort & needs of our users. The application building process is not a straightforward task as it involves a lot of testing and bug fixing.

As you can recall from our previous about the launch of the platform’s utility & deflationary token , a lot of time & effort were invested into making sure the smart contract works and behaves as expected using the unit testing process.

Unit testing is an application development process in which the smallest testable parts of an application, called units, are individually and independently scrutinized for proper operation. This testing methodology is done during the development process by the software developers and sometimes QA staff. The main objective of unit testing is to isolate written code to test and determine if it works as intended.

Below is the results for PBULL’s smart contract unit tests:

Token Contract Test

? Should match the deployed owner

? Should match required token supply 26000000000000000000000000

? Should match required token decimals 18

? Should match token name: PowerBull (94ms)

? Should match token symbol: PBULL (74ms)

? Should add extra fee to user account (328ms)

? Should match total enabled fee sum (676ms)

Test Fees, Excludes & Limits

? Should exclude from fee (419ms)

? Should exclude from rewards (223ms)

? Should exclude from max_tx_amount_limit (241ms)

? Should remove from excluded fees (493ms)

? Should remove from excluded rewards (248ms)

? Should remove from exclude max_tx_amount_limit (162ms)

? Should transfer tokens with fee successfully (1111ms)

? Should pass if transaction amount exceeds max_tx_amount_limit (1581ms)

? Should successfully throttle an account (462ms)

? Should fail if throttled account transfer amount exceeds txAmountLimitPercent (846ms)

? Should successfully unthrottle an account (183ms)

Test Reward System

? Should match HoldleRewardComputer (69ms)

? Should update HoldleRewardComputer.setRewardStartDelay Successfully (201ms)

? Should match HoldleRewardComputer setMinExpectedHoldlPeriod (173ms)

Test Token Swap & Liquidity Feature

? Should match contract’s uniswap router (47ms)

? Should match a non zero pair router (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

? Should match contract’s uniswap pair (44ms)

? Should add liquidity (10810ms)

? Should buy tokens with ETH (9123ms)

? Should sell tokens for ETH (1709ms)

? should remove liquidity (8025ms)

28 passing (2m)

? Done in 198.76s.

PowerBull, Play Hard, Earn Fast.

