Passive income Vs Work Income

Passive income Vs Work Income

In todays blog article I want to cover a topic I thought should be discussed. The reason I think this is because I don't see enough people or content creators discussing this topic. So I thought it would be a great topic to cover for today. Most people don't know what passive income is or which one to work on and improve on so this is another reason why I thought we should cover this topic. With all that being said lets dive into todays article.   

What is Passive income?

Passive income is a source of income that is made without you having to put in time and effort like you would with your job. Now some sources of passive income might require you to put in a little effort like for me that would be blogging. But most passive incomes won't require you to put in much work or any if that. The most common forms of passive income are business, investing, yield farming, or APY rates. The easiest way to get started with passive income is to start investing in either stocks or crypto. I recommended crypto because then you can either lend your crypto. get APY on it, or start staking it to make even more passive income.  

What is Work income?

Work income is essentially the income you earn from your job. This can include your weekly or bi-weekly paycheck or even job benefits such as a 401k which is a type of passive income. There are many ways you can improve your work income and they vary on how likely they are to work for you. Now you can start making more money from working by either improving your work ethic and standards, simply asking for a raise, or just going and looking for a new job. Everyone should always focus on trying to make more money from their job and try to find ways to make money working the same or fewer hours or doing less work.  

Which one should you focus on?

Now the main discussion of this blog article is which one should you start focusing on? I say work should be your main priority until you have an expendable income and can meet your basic necessities. After that is when you should start focusing and making your passive income. Now not everyone has to start a business because not everyone is cut out for that but what everyone can do that is simple and easy to make passive income is investing. However, if you do feel as your cut for the business world and can handle it mentally and financially then go for it. But also do know that not every business requires you to have money to start it up. A most online businesses can be started for free directly from your computer it just requires time and dedication.  

My Final Words 

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