Passive Income that actually are that.

Who doesn't like getting something for nothing  I definitely do, and I have spent the year trying to find just that in the crypto space here are the best I have found so far.

1. Coin app

Simple geomining app that pays you for you're geodata with it's very own crypto XYO and yes it actually pays out straight into you're COINBASE or KUCOIN account just let it run as you go about your day walking or in the car it all adds up try the link.

2. Honeygain

Honeygain is the first-ever app that helps its users make money online by sharing their internet connection. People can now reach their unused data plans' full potential and not leave any unused data behind here is a link.

3. Sweat coin

Sweatcoin is a free app which rewards your daily steps with crypto you can spend just in my job I do over 10000 steps a day why not get some crypto for it check it out with this link.

These are the only 3 I have found that actually cash out like they claim if you know of any that I am unaware of please let me know so I can check it out.

Take it easy guy's and stay strong.