(Part 1) - How Satoshi‘s Vision has been changed over the years

     The underlying vision of the human or group of humans that created a form of medium of exchange which utilizes the 0 and 1 numbers to encode a transaction, has been changed over the last decade. You‘ve probably guessed what I‘m talking about. And since you are in the PUBLISH0X innovative website and several other like this one, you‘ve most probably became quite well educated in the reading a multitude of great articles and posts, maybe books as well... That man or group of men, by generating the Genesis Block, became the God/s for the infamous Bitcoin, because him or they, literally... created it. With this reason, him or they became an entity called Satoshi Nakamoto and therefore we will refer to the Satoshi‘s name as The One. This name could be be very easily a real person‘s name, but it does not matter anymore, mostly because what am I going to reveal, you won‘t probably find it anywhere and this name either lost the significance for cryptocurrency itself or just faded and will continue to fade over overtime.

     In the year of 2021, the world of crypto became as wild as it can get, and most likely the 2022 will boom in the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Even that so many things have changed the look of this type of electronic payment, there is still more room for improvements and as long as the technology and hardware will advance, there is theoretically, no limit! Then it comes the question what change the vision of The One? The Technology? The Hardware Evolution? The Software Evolution? Mass Adoption Of Crypto Payments? Mass Media? Social Media? Or Just Maybe The Different Views Of The Other „Gods“ (aka developers)?

     The answer is: ALL OF THEM! That‘s right, this conglomerate of devices and people‘s personal views with interest in crypto adoption, changed the vision into a „who want‘s the get rich faster“ type of vision. Fortunately those who truly understand what exactly the Satoshi‘s Vision means, are the only ones that preserve, in different ways, the integrity of the Bitcoin‘s future and cryptocurrencies in general. No matter how many hard-forks BTC had in the past or will have in the future, the vision has already shifted and could only be reversed if we, the humans, will truly understand the Bank‘s Financial System is doing nothing else but to enslave the humanity‘s fate forever.

     They (the bankers) already found a way to block the evolution of cryptocurrencies, with a new type of enslavement called CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), and they will not stop until it will be implemented all over the over, in every country!

Well, how all of this happened in a relatively short time, compared to thousands of years of the „medium of exchange“ currency called,

     In these series of posts, I will explain in further details the transition and what The One did not estimate what will happen with his invention. So bare with me because there is a very long journey and you will be surprised how much the world in general, not only the world of crypto, have been completely changed.

So, in this post I will explain the „abstract“ of Satoshi‘s white paper, in which is stated that:

  • Quote – „A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution”. It is true that any financial institution is a drag to the payment profitability of the one that is selling his asset. This means that the Seller will always get lesser money because of the 3rd party’s fee. The thing is that the Bitcoin’s network itself requires fees to incentivise the miners who are securing the credibility of this network, so in this matter it was ONLY eliminated the 3rd party interference because it is not necessarily to trust it, in delivering the money from the buyer to the seller.
  • Quote – “The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work”, this specific idea is great, but others found another solution to PoW, and in later years after Bitcoin’s release, some of the Ethereum developers for example, hard-forked the protocol into Ethereum Classic and what we know today as the mainnet of Ethereum 1.0. The later came with an PoS proposal that would require less energy usage, and a transaction speed and efficiency in the network far greater than PoW, by adding some validators. I’m not going to debate why I consider this move to be wrong or why PoS might be worse than PoW when it comes to who is going to buy the coins or how a coin direction can be easily manipulated, starting from the market price to the change of the cryptographic code. Still the shift in “The Great Vision” was already started since 2012 from the introduction of the concept by Sunny King and Scott Nadal and their own creation, the Peercoin.
  • Quote – „forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work”, and another statement, “As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers” have been already proven that 51% attack are possible if the miners evil intentions are to double their profits by reselling the coins when it is a “lag” in transactions. Yeah, people find way to show their greediness…
  • Quote - “As long as a majority of CPU power” and “The network itself requires minimal structure“, well many developers found a way to generate even more BTC by mining with the GPU (Graphic Processing Unit) in one hand. On another hand, to make it even worse, ASICs (Application-Specific Integrated Circuit) appeared and therefore it was created the mining industry. The mining companies and corporations appeared afterwards, reducing the individuals mining power capabilities, taking control of the BTC network. That is a sad true story and will not be changed by anything or anyone as long as the Bitcoin Network exists.

In the next post I will explain the Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV), before starting to analyse Nakatomoto's white paper, so stay tuned.

      In conclusion for this part 1 of the blog, neither Satoshi or even pioneer developers and coders could not predict what will happen in the future. That‘s for sure! 

But, the main reason of Bitcoin's creation still remains, to actually destabilise the corrupted, truly broken and unrepairable financial system created by the Banks and bankers! That‘s why so many Bitcoin bans, are happening in the so called civilised countries, because they are scared that one day will lose their absolute power!