Owning crypto tokens vs stocks in companies

So I have been thinking about this for a while now and I don't know how this will play out but I am thinking out loud. How would owning a part of the network differ from owning a part of a company? So just for the sake of example, let's pick Lbry. Would owning Lbry token be a small part of owning the network and if Lbry is wildly successful tomorrow (in the likes of YouTube, DailyMotion, Vimeo etc) would you be rewarded for owning a part of the network? If all you own is a utility token which you are able to use to transact on the platform, does it give you the power to be part of the network and will the growth of the network also increase the value of the utility token?

I think this is a very important factor before anyone decides to invest their money in any crypto project. Even now for me, if you want to create wealth, it seems like putting money into profitable companies seems to be the best way. I don't know if utility tokens can help people create wealth. Maybe networks and platforms like Ethereum can do it better than utility tokens? Let's discuss for the benefit of everyone so everyone makes an informed decision!