Overdare Metaverse NFT Metaverse from Kraften

Krafton the makers of the PUBG has now decided to get into the metaverse business. Which means they would be coming out with the project and the monetization around the same. They were previously running the project called Migaloo. This project is now renamed under Overdare and is going to open up variety of the monetization and the gaming models through its NFT economy. 

This project is developed using Unreal Engine 5 and is intended to be into the Mobile web3 gaming. It'd contain variety of games inside it like RPG, sports and the shooter games. I am sure all of these games connected inside one metaverse and also there would be some level easy access for the game. So I'd recommend you to try it out once the metaverse gets public. 

They also the creator approach. Where you would be creating the NFTs and those digital assets inside the game would be making you some money. Like inside the game those would be out and available for purchase. So it's like createe and earn type of the system. So we have lot of interesting stuff to check out in terms of content development and NFTs. 

Keep a tab on this new Metaverse - Overdare