Open Rights Foundation unlocks 1.18 million ORE token community reward

The Open Rights Foundation (ORE), in partnership with AllianceBlock, has initiated a one-month liquidity mining campaign, with a total of 1,180,000 ORE ($ORE) Tokens to be distributed over 30 days.

The ORE blockchain is built for decentralised identities, assets and rights. ORE works cross-chain with Ethereum, Algorand, EOS and more to connect Web 2.0 identities to Web 3.0 — with the aim of allowing everyone, everywhere to easily use blockchain technology. 

ORE is a blockchain built for managing secure identities and digital assets across multiple blockchains, built and developed by the Open Rights Foundation, and designed to enable billions of people around the world to use blockchain applications for the first time without the significant hurdles currently associated with access to Web 3.0 infrastructure.

The allocation of ORE Tokens will come from the community incentives pool, as part of the Foundation’s mission to drive adoption of the ORE Blockchain. This program is managed on Ethereum by the recently-launched AllianceBlock Liquidity Mining as a Service (LMaaS) offering. The Open Rights Foundation launched the ORE token to multiple blockchains via initial Dex Offering on October 12, 2021. The goal of the campaign is to continue aligning with the organisation’s core values and continue prioritising and giving back to the ORE community whose support has helped grow the Open Rights Exchange Network, since its inception in 2017 through to its recent public debut.

ORE contributor and AIKON CEO, Marc Blinder, said: “Community involvement is essential to the long-term success of any successful technology, and we’re proud to be able to reward our community whose passionate support, and contributions propel us forward each day.

“Today’s liquidity mining campaign puts more ORE tokens in the hands of the public, and advances our goals of achieving a fully decentralised future.”

In addition to AllianceBlock, Open Rights Foundation has partnered with Algorand Foundation, Republic Crypto, RedFox Labs and other leading contributors to the blockchain ecosystem to develop and promote cross-chain decentralised finance (DeFi) products and services for mass adoption.

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