One of the largest AML tooling services is now available for Tezos

AML (Anti Money Laundering) compliance solutions are a crucial part of blockchain ecosystems. Regulated markets need to be certain that they don't get sucked in to illegal movements and transactions while making use of blockchain technology. For that they need to be able to comply with regulations and AML compliance solutions are an important factor. STO issuing platforms like Equisafe, Vertalo and Tokensoft, that are building their infrastructure around Tezos, have their own AML services when new clients register on their platform. But this week, an important tool for AML on Tezos was introduced:

“Coinfirm’s industry-leading AML compliance product provides a must-have tool for banks and other regulated financial players that store or issue value on the Tezos blockchain,” - Roman Schnider, CFO of the Tezos Foundation.

"Coinfirm has integrated Tezos into the Coinfirm AML Platform and will be applying its 200+ proprietary algorithms and 300 risk scenarios to analyze risk on the protocol. Now, any entity from cryptocurrency exchanges or financial institutions that interact with Tezos can fulfill AML guidelines. They will also have access to a full suite of AML compliance solutions with real time transaction monitoring, AML risk reports, investigatory tools, case management and more." 

Coinfirm also supports AML solutions for Bitcoin and Ethereum. Already being one of the main contenders in the STO market and CBDC candidates, with this additional tool, Tezos improves it's position as public blockchain for  the decentralization of regulated markets. 


New to Tezos? Read this full introduction to Tezos.