Once again, I am really struggling to bring in crypto for the content I post

Once again, I am really struggling to bring in crypto for the content I post. I don't know if it's because I don't have a good idea of what my audience likes, fickle/minimal attention spans, a lack of consistency on my part, insufficient self-promotion, low payouts, my socio-political stance(s), or a combination of all of those. At any rate, going full crypto off the back of such income that I do get just isn't happening.

I'm wondering if a crypto-paying equivalent of BMC, OF or Patreon (preferably once that doesn't require KYC, if such a thing even exists) is worth investigating and/or pursuing. Somehow, I don't think that the multitude of platforms on which I already have accounts are the problem(s). Other people are doing well off them, so why am I not? I wish I knew. It's difficult to change my strategy if I don't know its weak points.

The feedback I get is minimal to non-existent at best. If you like what I post (or even if you don't), I want to know , so that I can decide if I want to tailor my content and potentially increase/improve my income. If you see I've left comments open on a post, please make use of them (and not just once in a blue moon, either). Thank you in advance.

Clearly, I'm doing something right, because my list of followers isn't small (~280 on Pub0x alone and ~210 on Noise), but pales into insignificance compared to the big players on both (such as PVM and Zero Requiem, for example). I don't doubt that a lot of Zero's followers (myself included) hope to win some crypto in the monthly giveaway , but I'm doing well if I even bring in 5 USD worth of crypto a month across all my activity combined, let alone in any one of the tipping currencies here. Sure, I would likely do better on Pub0x if I wrote more about blockchain and crypto, but I don't always feel like it; I've got other interests and more going on in my life (like still not managing to find permanent employment farming fiat) than chasing after ever-elusive sats. The fact that there aren't very many places where I can use, in my everyday life, the crypto I do earn is pretty much a moot point at this stage (even with a couple of hundred dollars worth stashed away for HODLing over the next five or so years).

Thumbnail image: Going Full Crypto