October Earnings of a Small Fish

If you ever wonder what common people without huge piles of money make in passive income? Well this is the place to be!! I, teacher, currently not investing any of my own money in crypto will show you what I manage to make each month to enlarge my pile of crypto currencies.

I currently have about $1500 in crypto, about $500 of which is my money put into crypto, the rest I got for free!

Last month in September I had a decent month, but my earnings had dropped from August my highest earning month with $340. In October I did have some setbacks, as I suffered from pneumonia and was offline for almost a week.

October Earnings:

Noise.Cash: $68.36 Noise cash jumped up to be my most profitable site and this despite the rewards going down in the last week, which everyone on noise seems to suffer from... If you are not yet using Noise, you are missing out on free money, you can use my referral 

Reddit moons: $59.73 I made a big decision to sell my moons, token gotten for interaction on subreddit r/cryptocurrency. The subreddit is full of spam and I am getting sick of it, so I decided to pull my funds out.

Read.Cash: $42 Read cash did pretty decent, especially with my absence from being ill. Again, if you're not on this you are missing out on free money. You can use my referral 

Hive: $37,52 Hive has been on a decline for a while. This month it has been mostly lack of interaction on my part. But I have also used some funds to put in Splinterlands, so I substracted those from the profits. Hive is still my favorite place, despite less profit coming from there now. Referral link 

Coinbase Earn: $7.50 Again, free money from Coinbase, its been a steady earner for me every month. 

Pancake.Swap: $6.85 Took some profits from my cake syrup pool.

Celsius: $2.75 I love Celsius and hold most my coins there for staking rewards. Referral here

Cake Defi: $2.10 Now you can get $30 worth of DFI when signing up with a referral code: 348795 is mine if you are interested you can go here:https://app.cakedefi.com/ and enter the code when you sign up!

PublishOx: $2.04 I might sounds sarcastic, but things are picking up here, despite me being absent for a week. If you want to get started with it go: 

Then I made a couple of cents doing some other things, coming to a grand total of....

Total for October: $229.46

This is pretty close to September and if I can keep this up I will be pretty happy!

Looking Forward to November

I am super super stoked about Splinterlands, a play2earn blockchain game that I finally got started on. I think it has amazing potential to make money! It requires a $10 investment to get started, but I believe it will get me quite a lot as it is making quite some people quite a lot of money! Want to try? Go 

I hope you all had a great month! And bring on November!