Occupy Wall Street Co-creator Learns Solidity

Micah White, the co-founder of the Occupy Wall Street movement following the 2008 banking collapse, has stated he learned ethereum’s programming language, Solidity, in just 30 days.

Speaking publicly on Twitter, White said he learned Solidity quickly because he found an unnamed mentor who reviewed the code and offered suggestions and because he stopped working on anything else. “A luxury of working for one-self,” he said, further adding:

“Learning solidity has opened a new world of activism. I’m dreaming of activist cryptocurrencies that eclipse the notoriety of Occupy Wall Street.”

The Occupy Wall Street movement began on the 17th of September 2011 at the suggestion of Adbusters, an anti-consumerist magazine.

White was a senior editor there, stating at the time: “We basically floated the idea in mid July into our [email list] and it was spontaneously taken up by all the people of the world. It just kind of snowballed from there.”

This was at the height of popular resistance across the globe with the hacktivist group Anonymous promoting the event.

Little, if anything, came out of it. Their number one objection, the lack of any criminal prosecution in the wake of the biggest banking collapse in a century, was not addressed at the time or since.

Their shunning of the political process further left no legacy, with the right leaning Tea Party movement instead grabbing the agenda.

The protests that occurred at the same time in the Middle East likewise left little positive change.

It can safely be said Occupy Wall Street failed, but in its failure it created a certain political awareness and arguably some appreciation of the voting process as the revolts on the streets and on the internet were followed by revolt at ballot boxes with Brexit and Trump.

All three were met with a far quieter financial revolution in 2009 as some unknown person or group unveiled bitcoin.

Some have called bitcoin the true Occupy Wall Street movement, but it’s instead a parallel financial system that needs not occupy anything and can just offer choice.

The smart contracts breakthrough with ethereum for example has created an entire decentralized finance (DeFi) field where half a billion dollars worth of bitcoin and ethereum engage in all sorts of financial activities.

It’s not quite clear what project White is working on exactly, but he describes it as an “activist cryptocurrency,” stating:

“Three are three kinds of activist cryorocurrencies: 1. New economic logics. 2. New funding mechanisms. 3. Adversarial contracts.”

The first such currency is set to launch this month, but he claims another planned smart contract “would almost certainly cause some revolutionary trouble.”

Copyrights Trustnodes.com


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Eduardo Rodriguez

grasias por darme esta oportunidad de sonar

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September 8, 2019 8:44 pm