Obvious whitelist on GLEAM

The whitelist of the project has opened in which you need to register and carry if you are lucky to get there!

Competition for places in the WL on the FantomStarter public sale (https://fantomstarter.medium.com/the-whitelist-competition-for-fantomstarter-public-sale-is-now-live-on-gleam-f9a99cc1f384) on GLEAM.

Only 2 million FS tokens are distributed (0.2% of the total supply) with a lock for 35 days.

Where to click:

First here (https://wn.nr/4MjdTN)

· Then we carry out activities at the bottom of the list (for everything about all 3 minutes of business, classic signatures / retweets).

· Follow the mail with information about eligibility for KYC

Closing of the whitelist at 16:00 UTC time on September 22, 2021

To be or not to be...

Before you think to participate or not, I will tell DYOR! Before you start getting involved.

The reason for my participation in the project lies in the fact that in my closed circles there are people (millionaires) who will participate in the project. It was these people who advised me to also try to get involved in the sale.

This is my personal experience! Be sure to do the DYOR of the project, even if you have a lot of money and you are not afraid to lose them all! :)

About the project

Example Gleam Campaigns


Gleam is a privately owned Australian SaaS business based in Melbourne, Australia with a fully remote team from all over the world. We power growth for over 1M+ businesses of all shapes and sizes around the world and we're just getting started.

If you follow this link, you can see examples of the company's interaction with other projects.

If you follow this link, you can see the full team that currently represents the project. Also on this page there is a history of the company (below).

Also. If you have more detailed information about the project, do not hesitate. Write in the comments. Be sure to do DYOR before investing and all profits! :)