November HIVE Summary: I cannot complain at all :-)

Yes, you read well, aside from the stagnant price and permanent lose of positions in the crypto rank, HIVE is providing me a substantial monthly income. So consistent that I consider it as an extra of my monthly payslip.

This month I have not been so regular in terms of posting but I have been very constant in curating content and so, I have noticed a certain decay on my HIVE rewards as an author.

However, this "decay" has been totally mitigated by the great incomes from my LEO stake as well as from other paralel social sources as Publish0X, Blurt, risingstar and dCity... I am not going to put in the same bag cryptobrewmaster since, in my opinion, this game has a lot to improve and also to balance regarding the equilibrium between what you put as an investment and what you get from the game that, besides it is a nice one, it is a little boring IMO but, will see in what it finally evolves.

Monthly Author Rewards chart:




My Author Hive Power rewards on October have reached a total of 254 HP, a decrease of -4.7% in comparison with October Author rewards. Compensated as I said by LEO and other incomes sources.

This is my Monthly Curator rewards chart:




114 Hive Power obtained from curation which is an increase 12.6% in comparison with previous month

The ROI on curation has also increased obviously and, consequently, the calculations provide me with the following counts:

  • Around 0.00952 HIVE per 1 Powered up HIVE per month
  • 0.11424 HIVE per 1 HP per year
  • 1370.88 HP in total a year or 11.42% of ROI over 12000 active HIVE POWERED UP (not delegated)

Overall picture of the HP earned on November is...




Compounding both previous charts I get a total of 368 HIVE POWER a month, which corresponds to roughly 44 USD of free-extra income staked in my account only in HIVE POWER... Besides I get approximately 31 USD more in Liquid HIVE after converting HBD earnings.

Worthless to say, that there is an extra income provided by all the rest of HE tokens which would be added to my total incomes, if my calculations are right, LEO has provided me 69 USD this month and I can also estimate around 20 more USD coming from the other mentioned resources.

In short, summing-up everything, HIVE (74.81$) + LEO (68.83$) + Others (20$) I get 163.64 USD just from blogging, curating and playing.

Total Account Growth


My total HIVE POWER has increased 442 HP in total, meaning that, besides the automatic HIVE POWER obtained from author and curation rewards, I have powered up about 74 HIVE.

I just only hope that the current uptrend of the market will impact positively on HIVE finally. This numbers could easily double or triple in terms of USD incomes in the short-mid term.



