No this is not a test! An Asteroid is on a collision course path headed to Earth!

Another rule set is highlighted this week in the Share Your Battle Challenge. This is the Earthquake Game Rule.

I consider Earthquake as one of the most important game rules that you have to build your collection around one way or another. There is just 1 summoner that fully counters the 2 damage at the end of each round to monsters that have no Fly ability which is the dragon Brighton Bloom. Right now, this can be bought at level 6 for 130$. I don't own in and just tend to mostly play Monsters with the Fly ability to avoid getting hit by the 2 damage at the end of each round. Other options are to play monsters with armor, shield or self-heal as those reduced the damage that comes in. The Dragon Summoner generally is a good choice as it has a ton of monsters with the fly ability. From what I know, monsters either hand fly or they don't and it never gets added in abilities that unlock when a card is leveled up

This is one of those battles which shows how vital it is in SPLINTERLANDS to have a wide card collection. Not only was only the Earth class available, the Earthquake rule on top made you require monsters with the Fly ability and there was not too much mana to spend so you also needed some lower-cost monsters.

I did have the needed cards and in these cases it's not vital to have the highets allowed card levels. This made me play my level 5 Lyanna Natura Beta Summoner which gives all monsters +1 health which is more cost effective and useful compared to the chaos legion Obsidian summoner. I started out with 2 Monsters that have a zero cost in the Furious Chicken and the Fungis Fiend. Since these have no fly ability and are sure to get killed, it's best to have them absorb some initial damage. As my main tank I used the Pelacor Mercenary which has 1 armor, Fly and self-heal which makes it hard to kill with these rules. The Screeching Vulture also is an excellent card in these game rules as it has fly, and is allowed to attack from any position + increases it's heals as the game progresses and monsters die. In the back I did play the  which not only gives the other 2 melee cards +1 attack but also extra speed while being fast itself. So in case an enemy had a sneak attack monster there was still a chance for the attack to miss keeping it alive 1 more round.

This was an easy 100% win accoring to Spintertools as my opponent only had 1 fly monster and a summoner that was more expensive with less benefits. So this one had nothing to do with skill but much more about the pay2win factor which made it nearly impossible for me to ever lose this matchup.

Full Battle Replay


 players are free to join this Weekly Challenge (regardless of your rank) and will get rewarded by the team with Upvotes on Hive. If you haven't tried out the game yet, this is a great opportunity as it allows you to earn back the 10$ Price of the Summoner's Spellbook you need to get your Hive Private Keys after creating an account, share in the game rewards, get Daily Quests, join tournaments, Earn DEC for each Ranked Win,... 

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