NIMIQ Browser Blockchain

Nimiq is the world's first browser-based blockchain, aims to be the best performing and easiest-to-use decentralized payment protocol.

High social media impact

This start of 2021 for Nimiq has been very interesting, the project has had a significant growth both in terms of value (about +188% in the last month) but above all in terms of online searches, in fact it has been the first for weeks according to the LUNARCRUSH data:

And we can see that this trend is also visible on google trend:

Big news on the way

This huge interest could be due to the many new features coming from Q1.

In the past months the Nimiq team has allowed the community to make a choice by modifying the new money issue curve on the occasion of the transition from the current Proof of Work to the more sustainable Proof of Stake, the reduction in inflation will ensure that the extraction of new money will be significantly reduced, it is explained in this infographic:

Furthermore, one of the most expected services is OASIS, thanks to which it will be possible to swap between Fiat currency and Crypto and vice versa, directly from the Nimiq wallet with the collaboration of TEN31Bank, yours will be carried out without further KYC procedures.

Currently, the Nimiq wallet supports Bitcoin in addition to the native $NIM currency and it is planned to expand support to Ethereum as well

For this revolutionary project 2021 will be a very interesting year with great news, stay tuned with the main communication social networks.