NFTrade Joins Hands with Harmony

NFTrade recently announced entering a partnership with Harmony, the renowned smart contract venture. As a decentralized platform, Garmony has amassed thousands of token holders and multi-billion dollars in market cap.

Its quick, economic, and scalable EVM compatible chain has helped multiple projects to develop dApps. That is why NFTrade is integrating the Harmony network into its platform, preparing a unique one-stop station for every Harmony NFT interaction.

Once the integration takes place, every $ONE holder and Harmony network user can seamlessly develop, trade, farm, and swap non-fungible tokens. It will elevate the already growing Harmony NFT ecosystem exponentially. 

NFTrade provides non-technical and intuitive solutions for every NFT interaction, substantially eliminating every technical entry barrier for users. It will also pave the path for beginners to deal in NFTs more easily than ever. Integrating Harmony’s functionalities into NFTrade will also render esteemed benefits to users from networks like the BINANCE Smart Chain, Ethereum, Avalanche, and Polygon.

Moreover, as NFTrade reaches its cross-chain integration stage, Harmony NFTs will also gain interoperability and cross-chain compatibility. It will facilitate seamless bridging of Harmony NFTs while helping users from other networks to spend native tokens to trade Harmony-based NFTs.

In return, the development will help $ONE token users to expand operations in other NFT ecosystems. NFTrade expressed delight about joining the Harmony community and development team. The cross-chain blockchain platform believes it will bring the ultimate NFT experience and platform to the community.

As the first cross-chain blockchain-centric NFT platform, NFTrade is renowned for its NFT marketplaces. The platform hosts thorough NFT lifecycles, helping users to create, trade, and utilize NFTs across multiple networks. As the demand for NFT grows, the industry will also see NFTrade and Harmony going in stature.