Nft on waxp - the new syntvision

CryptoVision is a community-centric initiative striving to establish a virtual realm that fosters a sense of belonging, creative expression and friendship. In pursuit of this, CVN is hosting different online spaces, including a website facilitating the curation of YouTube videos by its members. Complementing this, a community Discord server has been set up, serving as a platform for enjoyable interactions, social engagement, and even offering NFT giveaways, CVN tokens on the Hive blockchain, contests, and other cryptocurrency distributions. In the landscape of crypto, which remains relatively pioneering, we believe that by rendering projects like this accessible and comprehensible and fostering collaborative efforts, prosperity will flourish. Our conviction rests in the notion that, with our Visionaries, our community holds the potential to keep on growing.

CryptoVision have different NFTs in their portfolio, with a lot of our members being holders. 

One of the recent ones made by the magnificent Molly, is the dynamic that you can see a still shot of above. 

But it is looking its best as with it's visual effects on the blockchain! Check it out on AtomicHub on this link bellow:

If you find this interesting, do check out this Tweet with more information and the chance to win one yourself!