NFT craze? "Leonard Nimoy First series of digital collectibles"

I'm not especially a Star Trek fan, even if I enjoyed watching the recent movies and the last series "Picard", but as had been teasing about it, I tried to get some of the "Leonard Nimoy First series of digital collectibles" NFTs.

I had been able to get the 3 promo shards to make this one at the beginning of this week. "Shards", because the company issuing those had the great idea to cut each card into 3 parts (the shards), and get 10 or 30  shards instead of cards in the packs they would be selling today. Of course with shards, you have no guarantee to get the right 3 shards to make a card in your pack.


Today at 18:00 Paris time, 3000 packs each of 10 and 30 shards went on sale for $10 and $25. It must have been a success, as in the time it took me to buy 2 packs by entering my credit card info, everything was sold out.

I decided to open one pack (after a 3h wait) to see what I would get, and to keep the 2nd one for later and see if it would fetch prices higher than what I bought it for, or become some worthless bytes of data lost in a data center somewhere. Right after it sold out, I read reports that some people where already trying to sell the packs for 3 times what they paid for it. We'll see if this end up being a brush fire, or if I become filthy rich overnight (Narrators's voice: "no, he will not").

Out of the 30 shards I got from this opened pack, I could craft these 2 cards:

Now I'm left with 24 shards (30-6), some orphan ones, some where I miss 1 shard to make a card, and some doubles. I'm on the edge if I'll try to quickly flip some doubles to get missing shards, sell all the shards and only keep the cards, or just wait and see if the Trekky fandom at large lusts after NFTs.

At the time of writing, some shards can be found on Atomic Assets for as low as 1.75 WAX, some cards in base rarity (there are 6 rarities level) at 3.80 WAX, 10 packs at 98 WAX, 30 packs at 199 WAX.

What do you think? Go for the short time gain and recoup my costs for maybe twice what I paid, or wait for an increase in resale value that may never come?





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