New Work From Home Opportunity - Wow AI

All the Machine learning/AI systems work through data and their demand is growing day by day. Wow AI is a new crowd-working platform having a lot of freelance work-from-home opportunities related to data. Most of their work will not require any prior experience. Even if you are a beginner in the freelance journey, you can start working here and expect to earn some bucks. This will be a complete guide on Wow AI and the different types of jobs they provide.

Registration Process At Wow AI

You can visit their website or directly use the below link to start the sign-up process. On their website, you will find an option Join Our Crowd Pool. Use it and fill the form with the details asked for. They will also ask you for your CV just to provide you with better opportunities in the future. If you don't have a CV, I will recommend creating one. Once you submit the form, your work is done. Now you can sit back and relax till you get your 1st project invite.

Type Of Jobs At Wow AI

There are primarily 3 types of jobs available at Wow AI. Let's discuss them one by one:

1. Data Collection

This is the easiest job type available at Wow AI where you will need to provide some data for money. You might be asked to record some audio or take some photos. The pay rate is pretty good here. I got invited for one of their recent projects and their pay was $18/audio hour. All the instructions about the project will be provided to you before you start working on it.

Also Read: Another Data Collection Website with a lot of opportunities

2. Data Annotation

This is another category of job that Wow AI provides. You will require basic knowledge and mostly common sense to do this task. You will need to annotate/categorize videos and images. The pay here is also very good. You will make an average of $20/hr.

You can read the full article here -> 

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