New Upcoming NFT Games That Has a Massive Potential

Content of article:

  • Blockchain Monster Hunt
  • Infinity Skies
  • Cryptoblades Kingdoms
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How do we make money on new NFT games? When NFT games were new, the investment was still small and we didn't know the possibility of how much we would earn here. So that's what we're going to talk about today, in this blog we're going to talk about the new upcoming NFT games.

There are two ways to find out if there are new NFT games, number one is to visit, because when there are new NFT games, immediately uploads the important informations and details on their website. Number two is to subscribe to your favorite youtube creators because the developers contact them when they have new NFT games to be released and promoted. So let's not prolong it, let's get started.

Blockchain Monster Hunt

In this game we can catch monsters like uncommon, rare, epic. The good thing about this is that it's a cross-chain monster hunt, which means it's available on all of our blockchains. We can battle here and the gameplay here is like Pokemon, you can also boost your team, trade and earn. What we will do to catch monsters, instead of pokeball we will use fruits to capture monsters.

Blockchain Monster Hunt has many partners like chainboost, pnetwork etc. so it can be said that this NFT game is not just any game. This game brings a competitive thriller and evolve with the blockchain. The name of their coin is BCMC running in ERC 20.

Infinity Skies

This is said to be one of the most ambitious web 3.0 gaming experiences on the market today. Here we can trade, build, socialize and experience powerful and intelligently implemented DeFi Gaming. It has 1000 fully tradable NFT assets. Infinity Skies is developed by Dreamfuel Games and they also have partners such as chainlink, existential capital etc. There is no specific date yet when they will launch NFT sales but you can now register on their website to notify you when it will be available.

Cryptoblades Kingdoms

This game is running in BINANCE Smart Chain and featured 200x ROI. This is one of the first AAA Blockchain Games, where you can play, conquer and earn at the same time. So the founder of this project is still Philip Devine. I hope their project succeeds because all I did here was buy a King token, and when the price goes up I will sell that token, so I really have no intention of playing this NFT game because there are so many of the games are the ones that turn out to be even better than here in the Cryptoblades Kingdom.

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The information above does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any sort of advice. I'm not a financial advisor nor an expert in such, so make sure you always do your own research first before investing. Happy Trading, Earning, Playing and Learning everyone!

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