New giveaways - NFT Draft and Twitter

Hi everybody,

Moon Stones Collection is growing very quickly and we are promoting the project with many promo distributions, giveaways and collaborations with other projects.


NFT Draft

We are glad to collaborate with NFT Draft, one of the most exciting project on the WAX blockchain. We'll give away 50 Promo Wanderer NFTs and present this new promo character: the "Footballer"!


In the Moon Stones world we can't miss the sport for a good and healthy life.

This promo character will be distributed as follow:

1. First mints distributed to Golden Badge Holders after the drop (coming as soon as we finish the checks).

2. Paid Drop on Nefty Blocks for a limited number of NFTs.

3. Random week-end only minigame about "sports" in our Discord server


Twitter giveaway

We reached 1000 followers on our official Twitter account, and we're celebrating this with a giveaway. 3 lucky followers will receive a promo character:

  • 1 Wanderer
  • 1 Farmer
  • 1 Forager

All you have to do is follow this link to the Tweet and follow the simple rules.

That's all for now, we'll be back soon for more news and giveaways!

Mooners to the moon!