New Coinbase Earn: 6$ in Kyber (KNC)

Coinbase Earn is a very easy way to earn crypto, for both beginners and veterans.


In order of release, you could have earned ZRX, BAT, ZEC, XLM, EOS, DAI, XTZ, OXT and now Comp and KNC, for a total of 161$.

For the registration you have to do a KYC, then you can submit for the waiting list (you can find Earn down in the dashboard).

You'll receive an email when you're ready to do some little easy quizzes, win the cryptos and then use the exchange, or hodl, or withdraw to your wallet, or do whatever you want!

You can retry after failing a quiz but Kyber answers are 

You can join using my referral link; you can invite your friends too.