Neon Labs deploys its cross-chain EVM solution on the Solana blockchain

Neon Labs, a company building secure blockchain solutions, announced today that it will be deploying its cross-chain EVM solution on the Solana testnet. The Neon EVM will grant any dApp in the Ethereum ecosystem access to high throughput as well as lower gas prices without requiring code changes.

The Neon EVM creates a compatibility layer for Ethereum on the Solana blockchain. This enables anyone to run Ethereum contracts on Solana. It works by introducing incentivized Neon EVM operators to the Solana blockchain; who facilitate transactions on behalf of Ethereum dApp users.

These operators receive Ethereum-like transactions from dApps that use Neon EVM. Then wrap them into Solana transactions, which are sent for execution on the Solana blockchain.

“Ethereum is a thriving blockchain ecosystem that has a lot to offer to dApp developers and users in terms of tools and infrastructure. At the same time, Solana is attractive to many due to its technical characteristics; and is perceived as an emerging market. Thanks to Neon EVM, dApp developers will be easily tapping into the Solana market. And offer users a great experience without any difference in terms of interface or tools used.”

– Marina Guryeva, Director at Neon Labs


At launch, the Neon EVM will run on the Solana testnet; at this time the familiar tools for Ethereum users including Metamask, Remix, Truffle, and others will work on Solana.

Once launched on testnet, the Neon EVM will allow any dApp (including UniSwap, SushiSwap, 0x, MakerDAO, and more) to be used on Solana.

Subsequently, Neon EVM will move to Solana mainnet in Q3 of 2021. Until then, optimization of the number of transactions and the speed of their execution will be performed.

“The Neon team has shown dedication to the development of both the Solana and Ethereum ecosystems. Its deployment on the Solana blockchain will make it significantly easier for EVM projects to take advantage of the low fees, ultra-fast speeds and future-proof scalability of Solana. Neon’s EVM scaling solution is a significant milestone and represents a commitment to a multi-chain future.”

– Anatoly Yakovenko, CEO of Solana

Following the EVM launch, Neon will be moving to a more trustless solution. To learn more about the Neon EVM or to participate in testnet click here.
