My Toddler Son, Hodlnaut And Carrots (Or Watermelon?)

Disclaimer: This post contains my affiliate link to Hodlnaut. (What’s a struggling dad got to do but publicize his link whenever he can?) If you rather not be inundated by yet another link, then this post is not for you. I wave goodbye to you solemnly and sadly. 

Even two-year-old toddlers establish their own routine, and mine is no exception. He particularly likes to color stuff before his shower. I try to give him the time he needs to exhibit his vigorous coloring skills so that he can charge his energies and feel happy. 

But yesterday, I waited a long time for him to stop, but to no avail. So I decisively took his box of crayons away from him and motioned him to go to the bathroom.

He immediately flew into a murderous rage. He was suddenly The Incredible Hulk personified, banging violently on the kitchen screen door, except that tears were threatening to well up in his eyes. He wanted to have control and he needed it NOW!

Luckily for us, his mother was blissfully cutting a watermelon in the kitchen. He loves watermelons. My wife instinctively squatted down with a piece of watermelon and beckoned for him to come over. He shook his fists angrily at first, as if protesting that he wouldn’t be bought over. But eventually he dropped off his fury that hung about him like a suit of armor and broke off into a glorious run.

Towards Mama. Towards the watermelon.

So my wife utilized a carrot successfully as bait to drive my boy’s behavior. Turns out that Hodlnaut is now dangling a carrot too. I will let you read the details for yourself. This screenshot was taken from Hodlnaut's official Telegram channel.

Here’s my referral link if you would like to try your luck:

Otherwise, you can sign up with Hodlnaut using Publish0x's referral link (, as kindly listed by MikeZillo. Go ahead, I don't mind!

In any case, I hope you enjoyed reading this slice of parenting!