My Opinion: Solana, Terra, and Taking Profits

So a couple weeks ago, I finally got into Solana. I had watched it when it was at $10 a share and just couldn't find anywhere to purchase it.  Well COINBASE finally took them on and I was able to purchase at $67.72.  Not one of my earlier buys but it has been an exciting couple weeks.  I kept watching them and saw that their transaction speeds were thru the roof, transaction fees were lower.  I thought they had something at $10 now they are on the move to take out Dogecoin in the number 7 spot.  I also believe they can take on Ethereum with do to the lower transaction costs, ease of development to programmers.  I see them hitting $100 this week.  Ethereum's costs are just too high, people want speed, and low costs and this weekend has just been another gas fueled disaster.  Ethereum has the people backing it currently but without ETH 2.0 it is like so many Blue Chips and will be taken over by the smaller fish. 

So what's next after Solana, well take a look at Terra, Terra is the new Tether.  I could only find Wrapped Luna on Coinbase.  I see them it taking the #10 spot in about a week, first overtaking Uniswap then Polkadot.  Their growth has been amazing.   

Cardona is another one that has made headlines this week.  I have been hearing about them for about 3 years now.  They finally are getting their shit together, but is it too late.  

I did finally sell a large stake in my crypto this week so I could buy some real estate.  Take your profits when you can.  The markets move both directions.  Remember to Buy Low and Sell High.  Hodl some Tether, or USD and wait till the dips occur, its almost a weekly occurrence.  

This isn't financial advice, so do your own research.  Just my two cents, and if it was in Eth I would owe due to the gas fees!!!!