My Neighbor Alice in Alpha Season 3

My Neighbor Alice is one of the interesting game that you'd be playing for hours. Not just from the grpahics context but also from the gaming context. It is more relaxing and simple game that doesn't have much stress. It used to be on a BNB chain but now slowly they are moving to another chain. So the new update they are going through it was one of the chain change that's a good update.

Now that game is in the Alpha Season 3. You may find some really good updates and the changes to the chain. Which you would find in this season.

Now that the game is going into the season 3 of the Alpha. There are some major changes too. Like the game is now being moved to the Chromia chain. Which earlier it was on the BNB chain. So the economy, tokens and the even login too would be shifted to the new chain. So it seems like a lot of games are moving to their own chain and controlling their own flexibility outside the traditional chains.

You can check out the gameplay of the My Neighbor Alice.

My Neighbor Alice move towards the Chromia chain would be one of the update that people need to know before they can go for the game. But overall the game is pretty cool in terms of the token rewards, seasonal rewards and also the changes as they add the new features into the game. Overall I feel it's one of the games worth keeping tab on as well.

You can check out the My Neighbor Alice