My monthly Hive growth and my future plans.

One of the apps that suffering after the latest Hive HF is, a very useful tool to monitor your account on various aspects. Unfortunately i can't track any data from there so i depend only on peakd and @leofinance stats, which means just my HP. So my HP right now is 2311 and which means my account strengthen by 311 hive the last month. I can say that I'm satisfied with that number, but it's clear to me now that i can't reach dolphinhood till the end of the year only with my Hive activities (posting/curating/gaming).

Unfortunately my bags are small and i can't split it the way i want, right now i.e i chose to buy RUNE instead of Hive (good move) and go with that. Here I have to mention that every single move i make is done with my efforts on the various cryptocurrency fields i have engaged, which means no fiat money at all. So it's way more difficult to achieve my goals but also more satisfying when i make it!

Now, leofinance and leo can play a key role to my future plans, leo is by far the most promising project (that i hold a good share) I'm engaged and i have great hopes about it. A leo "Storm" is coming very soon (wleo, Twitter login and many other stuff) and i believe that it could be capable to turn the tides and help many people including myself!


Originally Posted Using LeoFinance