My journey using Presearch since 2019

Hi guys, since few months, we can say that PRESEARCH is doing well in the crypto market !

I heard many different feedbacks about them recently and this contest is the perfect opportunity to give you my thoughts on it.

To be honest (and as it's mentioned in the title) I was using Presearch since 2019 and I loved it since the beginning, at the time, Presearch was easy to use and a nice entry point in the crypto space by giving you some coins just for browsing.

- simple add-on on Google Chrome

- very easy to set up your favorite browser like DuckDuckGo

- and of course the ability to win 0,25 PRE for each search (limited to 8 PRE / day)

It was so simple and useful that I used it for almost a year, and then I stopped.


When I came back a year later (end of 2020), the Presearch team delivered different solutions like keyword staking and the possibility to run a Presearch node, but the extension didn't work anymore and I wasn't able to collect any coins for browsing !

When I tried to withdraw my coins, I saw that I wasn't able to do it because the minimum to withdraw is 1000 PRE (more than $100 at the time I wrote this post). So I decided to disable Presearch add-on.

I was kind of surprised to see the Publish0x/Presearch contest so I tried to get the Presearch add-on again, I was skeptical when I saw that there is no update at all on the extension since its creation.


And the result is there, unable to collect any rewards through browsing like I was used to...

So I don't understand because the main purpose of Presearch is to give rewards to their users for browsing through them, and they still advertise us that we can earn by using their browser, but NO REWARDS...


- Keyword staking ? I will not talk about it, according to them Presearch Nodes are the only way to earn some PRE...

- Why did they stop PRE earnings via browsing, and why they continue to advertise about it ?

- Presearch keeps tracks of everything you browse through them and without the rewards option I don't see the benefit of using their browser.

At this time I don't earn any PRE token while searching so to resume :


And you? Do you search with Presearch?                                                                                                                                       SearchWithPresearch


PS:If somebody is able to collect PRE token using the Presearch/Chrome extension, please tell me in the comment section ;)