My Honeygain Stats for last month

As many people would already know that I have been using Honeygain for more than a year now. It has been a long time since I checked my stats there. Today I was curious to check how the stats were looking. I'm guessing it would be nice to do this activity once a month to check how Honeygain is doing. I would like to leave my referral below so that anyone interested in joining this for a decent passive income can try it.

Earlier the rewards used to be in the form of Paypal and the option is still available but I switched to JumpTask wallet as it is convenient to accept payments via crypto instead of Paypal. The last time when I got my payout through PayPal, there were issues and the Paypal fees are also huge for the small payment I'm getting from this.

There is a separate dashboard available for JumpTask that has more stats. I will share that in a separate article with more details on that. But for now, the dashboard of Honeygain itself is very good giving us visibility to see multiple data. For applications like these, viewing the data is very important to get motivation. That's what I feel. They also come up with contests to reward the users. There used to be a daily pot where we can win something every day by luck. I don't see that option these days but they have other mechanisms available to earn.

The above data is for the last 30 days. If you look at the data most of my earnings are coming from referrals. I have also been Gathering but compared to gathering income, referral income is what is at its peak. I have close to 114 referrals and not everyone is active there. But it appears that some people are very busy and that is what is generating a decent income for me. After cashing out once through PayPal, I have not had to cash out after that. JMPT token price is doing well even in the bear market, so I'm keeping all the earnings in the form of JMPT tokens and I might cash out at a later stage.

I got all these referrals through content writing and sharing about Honeygain on social platforms. For people who have excess internet data, this can be an excellent passive application that can run in the background to generate some income. I used to have this on multiple devices. They used to allow two devices per internet connection but nowadays they have restricted it to only one device per internet connection. I don't know why and am also not sure if it is only for me.

I would also like to caution you that this is not a quick bucks scheme. The income for me is happening with the help of referrals. The first year was very boring for me and I did not have any decent income at all. Only then the income started picking up when I increased my referral base. Also not all the referrals are usually active. Maybe it is only luck for us.

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@kanibotHive Engine Witness