My hive journey or a tale of the creepiest Splinterlander

Every great journey begins with a single step, which I`m taking today by writing my first on-chain post. To be totally honest it took me quite some time to get from "simple" SPLINTERLANDS daily grinder to Hive/blockchain explorer.

More than  to be exact! ??

On the other hand, it has only been 2 years, but so much happened during that relatively short period of time. We had FOMO, we had FUD (we still do). We came, we learned, we stayed/left. We bought high, some sold low ...

Exciting constantly evolving web3 space we`re all part of surely is full of waves and surprises, but if you are able to construct long term strategy most of them - thankfully - turn out to be pleasant.

My fellow splinterlanders should understand, what is like to scream GF QUORA ... ??

What is like to compete with the best, even if only once in a while ... ??

What is like to expand beyond, even if it is not very far (from lands to forge) ...??

And what is like to taste new projects before they go mainstream ... ??

bTw, gotta do it:

And and and ... what is like to have one of most op and unique SL cards. ??

To have more than just a card, to have your own one of a kind blockchain face, minted directly on Ethereum chain, used on Hive.

And yes, some are prettier than others, some have rarer traits, but that`s just the way "lifechain" works. You learn sooner or later.

Mine is ready for every on-chain beauty contest u can think of THO ...?? No need for make-up, blood of slayed foes should do.

Look at that ballon ... creepy, is it not?

Anyhow, I have sooooo many more highlights to share, but we all have to grind, don`t we?

Maybe bots don`t? But do they read? I hope they upvote if they do ... Or even drop a comment.

I hope my incoherent rambling qualifies as a fully fledged post, lots of love even if you don`t upvote.

Yours truly, yours creepily - Creeptor

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