My Experience With Mad Meerkat Optimizer (Cronos)

Today, I will once again be talking about the Mad Meerkat Ecosystem. Specifically, about their auto-compounding vaults over on Mad Meerkat Optimizer (MMO). They even have their own token, $MMO. I personally love this website due to how profitable it has been for me. The extremely high annual percentage rate (APR), auto-compounding capabilities, viable $CRO farming, multiple reward farming and higher transaction fees make it very unique as a yield farming protocol!

Extremely High APR

One reason why I admire MMO is due to how the APR is extremely high. For example, here is the return rate on some of these tokens. You can even get over 100k annual percentage yield on Mad Meerkat's Tomb Fork tokens! And don't worry, I will definitely make a post about Savanna Finance in the near future!

Even for Stablecoins, Bitcoin and Ethereum, the return is still way higher than on any centralized exchange I’ve seen, which is another pro to DeFi.

Auto-Compounding Capabilities

Another reason why I like MMO is the fact that its vaults automatically compound your profits (think exponential functions from your high school math class ??). Therefore, I consistently see higher returns (and APR ??) than if I had to compound it myself. This was one of the main reasons why I got involved with MMO. I had originally started yield farming on VVS when I first got into DeFi, and almost bought even more VVS until I found out about this project. Best decision of my life!

Viable $CRO Farming

This has to be my all-time favorite part about MMO. The protocol allows you to stake your $MMO tokens to earn $CRO that come from the transaction fees on the site. The APR is actually pretty high considering how stable the token price is. Some projects that offer the staking of their native token to earn $CRO are extremely volatile and their price depreciates rapidly. This hasn’t been the case with $MMO. I remember buying like $60 of $MMO at $3.8 a token and now it’s worth like $130 and overall I’ve made around $50 in $CRO from the profit too! The only negative is that staking the $MMO to get $CRO doesn’t auto-compound.

Multiple Rewards Farming

It find it pretty awesome how you get both $MMO and $MMF from farming. This is great as this feature helps keep the MM ecosystem more intertwined and it also ensures that your profit changing from token price fluctuations isn’t as extreme since it isn’t based on one sole token.

Higher Transaction Fees

I guess you can say that there is a small catch to this gem of a website. Their transaction fees are a higher than usual staking protocols on Cronos. However, this doesn't make much of a difference considering the massive extra profit you make from the auto-compounding feature built into every vault (minus single stake $MMO). These fees also go back into rewarding the staking of $MMO, so just stake some $MMO and only invest on MMO for medium to long-term if you want to maximize your profits here. Here is an example of a transaction fee from unstaking on MMO:

All in all, I honestly love MMO and the massive amounts of profits I have made there. Thank you for reading and as always, this isn’t financial advice, do your own research and stay safe on the blockchain!

Check out the best DEX on Cronos:

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