My Crypto Earnings May 2023

This month has once again been a really big hit-or-miss month for me. I expected that the first and last weeks of the month would be what would carry me since the House was in session the second, third, and fourth weeks of the month but given the whole debt ceiling debacle we are back in session so the only time with work more "died down" was the first week. Overall I think I was able to make the best out of the situation and did have some posts that performed well. 


Writing has really been the bread and butter of this whole crypto journey for me with PUBLISH0X head and shoulders above the rest of the competition when it comes to usage. Due to work occupying a ton of my time and even when I am out of the office, I just want to collapse on the couch and sleep my posts were both not as frequent nor were they super in-depth like I try to do with my posts. With Congress being in session the next 4 weeks as well I am not entirely sure when this will get better.

Nonetheless, over the course of May, I still managed to rack up 24,370 views and earned a combined total of $15.18 (0.00189874 ETH worth $3.62, 3.3737 AMPL worth $3.88, and finally 7.3067 SPOT worth $8.18). At the end of the day this is nothing to be upset about as I love writing when I can and getting rewarded for it is extremely encouraging! 


It is a little bit funny to me but I had by far the best cycle ever in May when it comes to earning moons! I had a couple of comments that really popped off and one in particular got over 400 upvotes which obviously supercharged my earnings. In total, for the 4-week cycle, I earned 1,188 moons worth about $166.32! It helps that I can post links and earn moons that way so I do not have to write a whole article out and can just comment a sentence or two about the link that I have posted. While I doubt I will have another month near as well as this one I would gladly earn 400-500 moons a month as that would be incredible! 

Writing total $181.50

There are two main projects that I stake on and that is The Graph and Tezos. I do this because these are two projects that I really trust with my GRT and XTZ as well as have found very reputable stakers to delegate to. About a week ago I decided that I wanted to move my GRT out of my METAMASK wallet and over to my TaHo wallet. In doing so there is a 28-day cool down period before I get my GRT so this month was well but I was still able to earn 2.08 GRT worth about $0.27. I would move the GRT to a cold storage wallet however the two that I own are Ledger's and right now I am deciding if I want to pivot to another provider and if so who I would choose. 

Tezos is something I have been staking for a long long time and today (May 31st) is the 501st day I have staked with the group that I have. Even though the prices have collapsed over the two-plus years I have owned it the blockchain has been landing big partnerships with state and local governments in the U.S. which is leading me to believe that even with regulation that Tezos for the most part will be spared. While my earnings are typically much higher I still did receive 0.990744 XTZ over the course of the month worth about $0.90.

Stacking total of $1.17


As one of the winners of the BYDFI contest, I earned $20 USDT which arrived in my BYDFI account earlier this month so that was a nice little boost for the month.

Brave Browser 

My BRAVE earnings have continued for the second month now to be much higher than I would have expected as I earned 6.95 BAT worth roughly $1.46. I am just stacking my BAT bag right now as I could see it performing really well during the next bull run because of not only the numerous products offered but also the growing utility that the Brave team has been working to add to their token. Last time around it had hit roughly $1 a BAT so even if it only hits $0.50 that would more than double the value of what I have now!

Miscellaneous total of $21.46

Final Thoughts

Thanks to r/cryptocurrency this month turned out to be a pretty huge win with a total of $204.13 earned this month! It will be really interesting to see how June will play out and if some of the changes I am in the process of executing end up performing in June.

Please know I am not a financial advisor and make sure you do your own research! If you enjoyed this article and would like to support me further below are a few referral links that if you used when signing up I would appreciate it! Also, follow me on Twitter @Cje95_

Openfabric AI

Openfabric AI is Layer 1 solution focused on building and connecting decentralized Artificial Intelligence applications. Currently gearing up to launch its Beta Testnet currently users can complete missions to earn gems which in the future will be exchanged for X amount of Openfabric AI's token! If you would like to start your journey in this space please use my referral link  and go earn your gems! 

Robinhood is offering an excellent signup deal if you use my link  where we will both be awarded free stock. All that you have to do is sign up and connect your bank account for the award! With commission-free crypto trading and the ability to set limit orders, it is a great hybrid offering in my opinion! Not to forget the addition of wallets and the ability to send and receive crypto!