My 2022 crypto goals - month #2

January 1st, 2022 I had goals for the year. I wanted to amass some crypto, more then I already had. To be the most efficient I decided I would setup specific goals/targets to go for. Here are my original goals for the year.

There is a decent range of the type of cryptos I wanted to gain this year and that was on purpose. Now this does not include everything I am trying to get this year. I am always trying to get more TFUEL and THETA but they are special. I want to get as much as I can of them and putting a "goal" on them seemed dumb as I don't want to cap what I am trying to get in them.

To recap here is where I will be earning those currencies, or at least the majority of them.

Starbits = Playing Rising Star only

BCH = Mostly earned from Noise.Cash

Litecoin = I cheated and traded my extra HIVE I had for 1.16 LTC so I already completed this and it felt great!

Ravencoin = Mining with my GPU's

Banano = JungleTV and Folding@Home

Trilium = Playing Alien Worlds


ADA = Faucets

SHIBA = It started as Faucets but now has moved to (unmineable

DOGE = Rollercoin and Faucets

Drum roll please.....

Here is where I stand today!

I am 52% the way to my goals. At the end of last month I was at 23% towards my goal which was mostly because I traded for the 1 LTC and knocked that out pretty quickly. 

Things that have gone really well are:

Unmineable = This has been a game changer. I was able to get all my SHIB in one month and even more than that. I am sitting at 210% of SHIB and I will continue to get more.

Ravecoin mining = This has been a steady earner and it makes sense. I am curious to see the price fluctuation on this coin and also what happens when "ETH 2.0" happens.

Starbits = I started to earn way more starbits then I thought I would. I finally got my 4 band members and am now just trying to get to level 80 so I can start doing missions in the "Country Tour" location.

Things that haven't gone so well:

MATIC and ADA = I haven't really put a lot of effort into both of these. I was thinking that maybe I will just use unmineable to get to my goals on these but I haven't decided yet. 

BCH = It doesn't look like i am going to hit my goal for this year but only time will tell I guess.

That's about it for the 2nd month in my 12 month journey. I am 16% done with the year and already 52% done with my goals so it's looking pretty good for me so far.