Moving to Web3: Torum integrates Web3 Wallet Login

Hello HODLers!

As the world is transitioning into the era of Web3.0, TORUM is excited to bring one of the most exciting features into the SocialFi ecosystem — Web3 Wallet Login.

Through this integration, Torum now enables direct Web3 wallet sign-in for Landers, resulting in a quicker and more secure user experience.


You would need a METAMASK wallet to continue, so don’t get too enthusiastic about this new feature just yet.

You need not worry if you have difficulties configuring your MetaMask wallet because Team Torum has provided you with a specific guide here.

Alternatively, you could check out MetaMask official guides:

How to export an account’s private key

How to import an account (With private key and JSON)

Importing/restoring your account with Secret Recovery Phrase

Benefits from Syncing a Web3 Wallet to Torum

- Web3 Wallet Login

Seamlessly log into your Torum account using your Web3 wallet, without the use of your account username and password.

- NFT Showroom

Display all of your NFTs and verify the ownership of your NFTs in your Torum profile (Initially supporting Ethereum and BNB Chain).

Syncing a Web3 wallet to Torum

- Step 1: Make sure your MetaMask is connected to the BNB Chain or Ethereum

As seen in Image 1.1, you must ensure that your MetaMask is linked to either the BNB Chain or Ethereum.

Image 1.1: MetaMask is connected to either BNB Chain or Ethereum.

For instructions on how to add BNB Chain to your MetaMask, see Image 1.2 and go to

Image 1.2: Using to add BNB Chain to MetaMask.

Steps Involved:

  • Connect your MetaMask wallet to Chainlist.
  • Click on “Add to MetaMask” for BINANCE Smart Chain (currently known as BNB Chain) as shown in image 1.2.
  • Approve the transaction on your MetaMask and switch over to BNB Chain.

You can finally start the process of importing your Web3 wallet to your Torum account once you have switched your MetaMask to BNB Chain or Ethereum.

- Step 2: Import your Web3 Wallet Address to Torum

Image 1.3: The “Import Wallet” button is in drop down menu located on the top right corner of the site.Image 1.4: Connecting MetaMask to Torum.

Steps Involved:

  • Click on “Import Wallet Address”.
  • Click on “Proceed” when the “Connect Wallet” window appears.
  • Select the wallet(s) you would like to connect to Torum in MetaMask.
  • Click on “Connect” in MetaMask.
  • A MetaMask window will appear requesting you to sign a signature request (shown in Image 1.5). Click on “Sign” to proceed.

Image 1.5: Signing the transaction to synchronize Web3 wallet.

  • Your Web3 wallet has now been successfully imported to your Torum account, a blue tick can be seen in the pop-up (shown in image 1.6).

Image 1.6: The synchronization of Web3 wallet to Torum is successful.

- Step 3: Syncing your MetaMask wallet to Torum

Image 1.7: Though Your Web3 wallet is imported to your Torum account, it will remain out of sync in default.

After the MetaMask wallet is connected to your Torum account, the selected wallets (in Step 2)  remain un-sync with your Torum account.

This measure is done to ensure that Landers have the flexibility to choose which wallet to sync as certain Web3 data will be shown on your Torum account after the sync is successful Benefits from Syncing a Web3 Wallet to Torum 

Therefore, you would need to “Resync” your “Imported” Web 3 wallet address:

  • Clicking on “…” in the right hand side of the imported address.

Image 1.8: Resyncing Web3 wallet.

  • Click on “Resync Address”.
  • Click on “Resync Wallet”.
  • A pop-up window will appear on MetaMask, where you need to click on “Sign” to proceed.
  • Congratulations! Your wallet status is now changed to “In-Sync”.

- Step 4: Logging into Torum with your Synced Web3 Wallet address

Image 1.9: Logging into Torum with the use of MetaMask

  • Click on “Login”, located in the banner at the bottom of your browser (shown in image 1.9).
  • Click on “Connect Wallet”.
  • A pop-up window will appear on MetaMask, where you need to click on “Sign” to proceed.
  • Boom! Just like that, you have managed to sign into your Torum account!

- Un-syncing your Web3 wallet from Torum

Image 1.10: Un-syncing Web3 Wallet.

  • Click on “…” right next to your synced address.
  • Click on “Un-sync Address”.
  • Click on “Confirm” in the pop-up window.
  • Sign the transaction in your MetaMask.
  • Congratulations! Your Web3 wallet has been un-synced

Note: Un-synced wallet address will stay in the “Imported” address list. To remove it from your Torum account, please read “Removing your Web3 wallet from Torum”. Removing your Web3 wallet from Torum

- Removing your Web3 wallet from Torum

Image 1.11: Removing your MetaMask from Torum

  • Click on “…” right next to your synced address.
  • Click on “Remove”.
  • Click on “Remove” again in the pop-up window.
  • Sign the transaction in your MetaMask.
  • Congratulations! Your Web3 wallet has been removed from Torum.

Integration of the Web3 wallet is a crucial step that set Torum on the path to integrate many other classified Web3 capabilities, on which the team is currently diligently working.

For the 1st phase of Web3 login integration, only MetaMask will be supported.

Future phases will provide integration for additional well-known Web3 wallets as Trust Wallet and COINBASE Wallet.

Torum is now embarking on a new journey to explore the unlimited potential of Web3 and bringing the latest Web3 innovations to the SocialFi ecosystem!

Torum – The #SocialFi ecosystem for crypto enthusiasts that rewards you!

Torum is the world’s largest SocialFi ecosystem (Social Network + NFT + DeFi + Metaverse) that is specially designed to connect cryptocurrency users.

The Web3.0 ecosystem is built on a social media platform, integrated with a yield farming platform for DeFi investors (Torum Finance), an NFT marketplace for crypto artists and Avatar NFT for Metaverse enthusiasts.

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