Moon Stones Collection: listed on AtomicHub + NFT Giveaway!

After some hard work, our project finally started, and the first Mooners NFT cards are available for purchase on the AtomicHub platform.

If you want to know more about the Moon Stones Collection project, you can read my previous post.

For those of you who never heard about it, AtomicHub is an NFT marketplace based on the WAX blockchain, a cheap alternative to the Ethereum if you want to mint and sell your own NFTs, as I explained in this article.

So, we released the first 35 Common Mooners and the first 13 Rare Mooners. With just a couple of posts on our Twitter account we sold a good number of cards already, and we obviously hope to continue the positive trend in the next days.

The cards are on sale with a super-promotional price of only 5 WAX (about 1.20$) for the Common ones, and 7.5 WAX for the rare ones. So, since all the Mooners are unique and minted in 1 copy only, what's the difference between a Common and a Rare one? The Rare Mooners have increased stats of Strength, Resistance, Speed and Mana and this will be useful in the upcoming online game, and there are a limited number (13 Mooners) for each Generation, and this will make them more valuable in the future. And don't forget there are also 2 Legendary Mooners in each Generation, that will be undisclosed soon!

In the next days we will keep on releasing new Mooners, until we finish the 1st Generation. Take advantage of the promotional prices, we hope to go sold out soon with this Generation, so we can move to the next!

How can you purchase the remaining Mooners? Here are a couple of useful links:

(direct link to the Moon Stones Collection on Atomic Hub)

(link to the official website, where you can browse the collection and purchase directly by clicking on the card image)

And now, the Giveaway! We reserved 3 Mooners for our PUBLISH0X readers: all you have to do is comment this article with your WAX address. Three randomly selected comments will receive a free Mooner card!