Moon Stones Collection: Generation 2 and twitter giveaway

Hi everybody, it's been a great day for the Moon Stones Collection project!

This morning I had a nice interview with CryptoWordsmith and UplandDood on Discord. We talked about me, the idea behind the project, the plans for its future and many other things. It will be uploaded on YouTube soon, so you can still have a chance to listen to it and discover what we have in mind for our little Mooners.

Here are some other news about the project: on AtomicHub, the Legendary and Rare Mooners were listed on the secondary market at crazy prices!


This makes us very proud and makes us confident that people believes there's some value behind these NFT tokens.


Generation 2

Meanwhile, the publishing of the second Generation has started. As usual, keep an eye on the official website to see if there are any available Mooners.

The situation at the time of writing is the following:

27 Common Mooners were listed on AtomicHub and went sold out in a matter of minutes.

7 Rare Mooners are still on auction here:

The auctions will end in 12/15 hours, so there's still some time to place your bids.

The publishing of Generation 2 will be completed in the next days, with 8 additional Common Mooners, 6 Rare ones and 2 Legendary ones. 


Twitter Giveaway

You can also receive a couple of Mooners for free: there's a giveaway on our Twitter profile and all you have to do is:

1) Follow the Moon Stones Collection page on Twitter

2) Retweet this tweet

3) Comment it with your WAX address

That's all! 2 Lucky followers will receive a free Mooner on their WAX wallet in about 12 hours from now. I decided to write an article here on PUBLISH0X about this, to give all my readers a chance to receive this gift too.

We reserved other 2 Mooners for another giveaway, this time will be a classic giveaway here on this platform, just like I did for Generation 1. It will happen in the next days, when the rest of Mooners will be published.

I wish you best luck and a happy weekend!