Moon Stones Collection - Twitter NFT giveaway and Generation 3 sales

The Moon Stones Collection NFT project has reached its 3rd Generation: 50 new characters available for purchase.

The first 15 characters (Common and Rare) were put on sale on AtomicHub this morning, and the remaining ones will be released in the upcoming days, including the 2 Legendary ones.

You can check the complete list and links for purchase on the Official Website page.

Some of them are already sold, don't be late!



If you want a chance to get a Mooner for free, on Twitter there's a giveaway going on! So check our Twitter page and join the giveaway with your WAX wallet address, 1 free NFT card will be sent to the lucky winner:

We will collect addresses for 24 hours and then the winners will be announced, so don't miss this opportunity! And remember another giveaway is planned here on PUBLISH0X in the next days.

See you soon for news and updates on the project!