Moon Stones Collection - News and Tools Drop

Hi everybody, welcome to this update on the project. Things got really big since the last article, and the whole team was busy creating content for the game, which is currently in Alpha stage with many whitelisted accounts playing and testing new functionalities.

The main screen of the game is the Sargan Empire map, where your character can walk and reach all the locations of the game.

The first module we released back in December was the Fight module, where you can create a team of up to 4 fighters and equip them with weapons, armor and a companion to fight against monsters all around the empire. Rewards, in case of victory, are Gol Teals (GT), the in-game currency, resources such as metal or wood, or even NFTs!

At the end of the fight, your equipment could need some repair, so that's time to go back to Venetyr, the Capital city of the Empire, and visit the Blacksmith, the Tavern or the Companion Care center to restore or repair your assets. In future, many more buildings will be activated, as the Arena, where you'll be able to let your companions fight each other, or the Bank, where it will be possible to exchange the GT for $Selenite, the real token on the WAX blockchain that will be launched in the next days.

The latest update were job, released just some days ago: using the right tools, your characters can perform various jobs that make you earn GT and produce resources, with a simulated economy that adapts pays and costs based on the availability of a certain resource.

The Tools drop is currently live on NeftyBloks, so don't miss your chance to enter the world of Moon Stones Collection and earn Gold Teals and $Selenite!

Link to the drop: Moon Stones Collection Tools Drop

See you soon with more exciting updates on the project!