Moon Stones Collection - Legendary auctions

Hi, and welcome to this new update on the Moon Stones Collection project!


Discord Server

First of all, we are glad to invite you on our Discord server:

Moon Stones Discord server

there we have a growing community of 120+ members after just a few days from opening, all thanks to the amazing friend Antos and the SammySnake community. They're a friendly group of people and they are interested in the project, so we decided to celebrate this partnership doing something cool, and seemingly new in the world of NFTs: a full generation of customized Mooners.

Antos asked the interested members to fill a form with their description of their own Mooner, and we will create it for them. It was a great success, with more than 80 entries, so now we'll have to filter them to reach the 50 Mooners of the Generation. 


Game concept

The second news is a W.I.P. of an important part of the game: the Party creation page! Here you will be able to select up to 4 Mooners from your collection, upgrade them with equip, armor, stones and a companion, and use them to fight enemies in your adventure.


Legendary Mooners auctions

The second batch of the third generation was a great success, the 23 characters went sold-out in the first 5 minutes after listing, and now it's the time of the 2 Legendary Mooners! They are sold using auctions as usual, and here are the links:

Legendary Mooner #149:

Legendary Mooner #150:

There are some bids placed already, so don't miss your chance! The auctions will last for 21 hours from now.