MonoX Announces Integration with Avalanche

MonoX announced that its integration is happening with Avalanche, one of the strongest decentralized smart contract platforms. This growth of integration will help in launching projects without using capital and reduce the barrier. MonoX’s beta version is already live on Avalanche’s Fuji Testnet, and the C-Chain Mainnet will debut in early 2022.

Thanks to this integration, users may now execute inexpensive swaps and single tokens and contribute to the advancement of capital efficiency inside DeFi. MonoX is looking forward to the launch and would like to extend a warm welcome to the Avalanche community.

Avalanche Blockchain

Avalanche is one the quickest smart contracts platforms designed in this ever-increasing Blockchain industry. One of the reasons for its success is its low cost and environmental-friendly features. The program easily integrates with ETH smart contracts and enables users to access top-quality decentralized apps.

Avalanche has been one of the fastest-growing ecosystems in crypto since its start in September 2020. Top DeFi projects, including Aave, Sushi, BENQi, Curve, and Chainlink, as well as business apps for influencers from sports and culture, are already growing on the platform.

Users’ activity is at an all-time high on Avalanche, with transaction volume, unique addresses, and assets moved from Ethereum to Avalanche all reaching new highs as per Avalanche forecast.

About MonoX

MonoX launches Monoswap, the world’s first bootstrap decentralized exchange. Product owners may market their tokens without having to worry about meeting capital requirements, allowing them to focus on growing the project rather than providing liquidity.

To provide a single pool token design, and works on the basis of deposited tokens and goes on the virtual pair using MonoX USD index token. MonoX will transform the ecosystem of DeFi by addressing current protocol models’ capital inefficiencies. MonoX will increase the possibilities of DeFi by lowering trading costs, increasing capital efficiency, and creating a zero-capital token.

About Avalanche

One of the strongest contract platforms in this growing Blockchain industry, Avalanche has a good number of Validators to secure proof-of-stake protocol. Avalanche is highly fast and cost very little.