Mocktail Swap I The world's first ERC 1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token (SFT) on Binance Smart Chain

Like genuine money, cryptographic types of cash are fungible i.e., they can be traded or exchanged, one for another. For example, one Bitcoin is reliably comparable in worth to another Bitcoin. Likewise, a lone unit of Ether is reliably comparable to another unit. This fungibility brand name makes cryptographic types of cash proper for use as a secured method of trade in the modernized economy. Non-fungible tokens or NFTs are cryptographic assets on blockchain with uncommon unmistakable verification codes and metadata that different them from each other. Rather than computerized types of cash, they can't be traded or exchanged at equivalency. This differences from fungible tokens like computerized monetary forms, which are unclear from each other and, thusly, can be used as a mode for business trades.

About the MocktailSwap

Mocktail Token is the vital semi-fungible identification of MocktailSwap. Mocktail Finance is an AMM show that joins multi-method yield improving on BINANCE Smart Chain (BSC) with low charges/slippage that similarly gives mixture through vault compounding, advancing and yield age for most prominent returns.

MocktailSwap is the decentralized exchange plan on Binance Smart Chain. We give a phase to make completely got and fast decentralized token swaping structure.

?? Stable arranging of your assets with close to zero brief mishap

?? Automated, maximally smoothed out yield

?? Complete Decentralization

?? A totally organization based MOK token economy

Mocktail Features

Mocktail is a phase that grants customers to get to various decentralized record features fused into the binance splendid chain. With Mocktail Finance, customers can enhance their advantage with a multi-yield procedure smoothing out the BSC. Or of course exchange tokens on the Mocktail Swap stage with low charges. This is another ethereum token standard and Dapp dependent on the Binance Smart Chain.

Following are Mocktail features

1. ERC-1155 representative standard

Mocktail Token subject to ERC-1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token dependent on Binance Smart Chain. Likewise, it is the essential ERC-1155 token dependent on the Binance Smart Chain.

2. Exchanging

Mocktail licenses customers to exchange their tokens for various tokens with low costs.

3. Developing

Customers can obtain crypto by crediting their tokens to others through splendid arrangements.

4. Liquidity:

Customers can take an interest by transforming into a merchant and get remunerations according to their help.

5. Checking:

Grants customers to stake their tokens and obtain prizes as demonstrated by their premium.

How It Works?

MOCKTAIL is the world's first ERC 1155 standard Semi-Fungible Token (SFT) on Binance Smart Chain. Mocktail Token is the essential semi-fungible token on Binance Smart Chain. It's another Ethereum token standard and another sort of dapp on Mocktail Finance! The ERC-1155 emblematic standard gives a way to deal with cause one sharp consent to administer close to a boundless number of tokens — truth be told, 2??? representative sorts with up to 2??? copies of each.

What is exceptional about ERC1155?

According to Blockchain trained professionals, Non-Fungible Tokens can change the destiny of blockchain. Do you genuinely grasp this thought and how should it be used? We should start examining the basics and discussing what makes NFTs extraordinary and with a promising future.

Fungible Tokens and Non Fungible Tokens

Fungibility is critical in the domain of blockchain and computerized money. It is needed for any money, traditional or progressed, since most financial norms intend to be a viable asset. A token can be exchanged for some other identification of a comparable worth. For example, One US dollar money can be changed for another US dollar cash with no differentiation to the customer.

In the Ethereum association, there are acclaimed models that have been shown by the neighborhood. Each standard is known as ERC which addresses Ethereum Request for Comments. It describes methodologies, development, rehearses for a particular convenience in Ethereum and it is submitted either for peer study.


ERC-1155 is a standard for gets that manage any mix of fungible tokens and non-fungible tokens. Accordingly, the model sidesteps colossal heaps of dreary code flowing the couple of arrangements in the Ethereum organic framework and saving enormous additional room and gas costs. Additionally, every token is semi-fungible. Not at all like ERC-721 non-fungible tokens (NFTs), which should be asserted by one area each.

Semi-fungible strategies

?? Each representative kind can be controlled by different areas

?? One area can guarantee various copies of each token.

Token Detail

Ticker: MOK

Type Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20)

Smart Contract :

Private Sale

Starting Block : Yet to Announce

Starting Time : APR 1, 2021 17:00 UTC

Ending Time : APR 2, 2021 17:00 UTC

Soft Cap : 500,000 MOK

Hard Cap : 1,500,000 MOK

Circulating Supply : 0 MOK

Private Sale : 1,500,000 MOK

Min. Theory : 0.01 BNB

Max. Theory : 100 BNB

Starting Token Distribution 

? 5% Team

? 7.5% Bounty and Marketing Caimpaign

? 12.5% Ecosystem

? 75% Private Sale

Mining Token Distribution 

25% Staking

37.5% Burning

37.5% Farming

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UserName : akiko92

Profile BTT :;u=2750634

Wallet : 0x7E34DEC4E564f7D0bf7A73A64981C180a1Bc1696