MIT prize for high-tech face mask prototype goes to ...

hello guys

I am a Romanian citizen and because of this, I can be proud sometimes because one of my fellows Romanians could bring a support to the world especially when we needed more.

Ciprian Burzo designed this and was rewarded by M.I.T. for this and I hope we will see it in the mass production.

This design is keeping the simplicity and natural together and maybe is bringing a new hope of coming to normality, even if we are forced to keep those masks on our faces all day long.

What I like the most is that you can still express yourself and your conversational partner could see you and better understand your words. It is like before Pandemic!

But this is not all, of course:

A face mask equipped with a sensor that detects Covid-19 particles in the surroundings, designed by a Romanian engineer, has scooped the top prize at a contest from MIT Media Lab.

Burzo Ciprian’s award-winning design, “social mask”, is a minimalist, transparent mask featuring a biosensor that can connect to a smartphone. Via an app, users would be able to track the number of surrounding air-borne pathogens, collecting data that also maps other users around you and calculates the risk of infection with Covid-19.

So, we will be more aware about what is surrounding us, so we will not spend too much time where the viruses are swarming.

I was wandering few days ago how should I react after few months, when the virus will be eliminated and we wouldn't wear these masks on faces... It should be strange in the first days... This is the power of habit. We get used with everything. Especially with the good things. Some studies showed that we can get familiar and should be normal to us to gain 1 million USD in 3 months after we made this step, even if we had before a 2 000 $ monthly incomes.

Anyway, what should be done, it will, sooner or later.

And, how is crypto involved in this?

What I want to see sooner is transforming all the proprietary rights, like songs, books, invention patents - in NFT (Non Fungible Tokens) and in this way, nobody could ever claim something that is not his asset.

Tezos is one of the most acclaimed blockchain platform for making tokenized assets because of it's powerful security features. Of course, Ethereum is here already, of course, but the continuous problems with money drained from different apps, DeFi's, platforms could make people be more cautious.

What is the importance of tokenization?

- easy to store

- very hard to counterfeit (maybe impossible)

- could be split in several parts for big value assets to more investors

Regarding this, a NFT is indivisible but it can be tokenized :). So, we can have a token of a (non-fungible) token, but what is the most important, in this way, anybody could afford to be a part of something that cannot be bought in other ways (like a piece from a very expensive and well know sculpture, or diamond)

Keep an eye on inventions and on NFT, too.

The other eye should be used to keep you safe ;)